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National Get Organized Week, Day Seven: The Junk Drawer

Saturday, October 12

Junk Drawer Makeover

On your list of organizing drawers, the junk drawer is very likely on top. We’ve taken this ordinary task and made it fun: you’re going to get organized and create your very own junk drawer makeover at the same time!

Here’s your chance to turn junk into inspiration:

What you need:

1. Digital camera

2. Damp cloth and multi-surface spray

3. Paper towels

4. Shelf/drawer liner

5. Various size open boxes for drawer organizers

Estimated work time: 1.5 hours

What to do:

  1. 1. Take a photo of your drawer before the clean out.
  2. 2. Remove everything that belongs somewhere else, is too large for the drawer or that should be thrown away. Group everything that should stay in the drawer into like piles.
  3. 3. Wash and dry the drawer. Lining it would be nice, too!
  4. 4. Use sturdy open boxes as organizers, to fit items like pens/pencils, small tools, batteries. Keep a long space handy for the candle lighter.
  5. 5. Organize everything neatly and take an “after” photo. Brag about it on your blog or on Facebook (oh, and show us too!)
  1. See our tip from Day Six–how to fold a fitted sheet
  2. See our tip from Day Five–getting ready for guests
  3. See our tip from Day Four–organize your home office desk
  4. See our tip from Day Three–organizing garage tools
  5. See our tip from Day Two: taking care of your shoes
  6. See our tip from Day One: organizing one pantry shelf
  7. Like us on Facebook to get all the tips


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What should I expect?

During the consultation you and a designer will discuss goals, desires, and project budget, with the aim of designing an organization system that will:

  • Turn your dream into reality
  • Organize you efficiently
  • Create space for everything
  • Maximize the space
  • Create optimum visibility
  • Preserve personal items
  • Add value to the home
  • Harmonize with your décor