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Marital bliss no longer requires closet compromise

He is a minimalist and she is a shoe collector, this year’s custom closet design trends has something to satisfy every taste and style.

Sharing a closet with your partner can be more challenging than sharing a sink. Luckily for the sake of household harmony, one of the biggest custom closet design trends this year is the his and her closet taken to a whole new level.

Enter the Mars/Venus effect and a single shared closet that defines two separate personalities and preferences. He wants darker tones within a space that emanates his minimalist design preferences. She wants a space that’s airy with decorative textures that showcases and complements her wardrobe.

Now designers are harmoniously blending both style choices within a shared walk-in closet, and the results are fantastic. Spaces can be separated by color patterns and materials that visually create an individual space, and then combined with cohesive elements such as coordinating hangers and hardware to unify it.

So, couples take heart not all marital dilemmas require compromise.





Schedule a free design consultation with a designer.

Each of our custom closets is completely personalized and begins with a complimentary design appointment.

Schedule a Consult
What should I expect?

During the consultation, you and the designer will discuss goals, wish list, and project budget, with the aim of designing a closet organization system that will:

  • Turn your dream into reality
  • Organize you efficiently
  • Create space for everything
  • Maximize your space
  • Create optimum visibility
  • Display your personal items
  • Add value to your home
  • Harmonize with your décor