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Make the Most of That Spare Bedroom

So you’ve got a spare bedroom in your home, and you aren’t sure what to do with it. Rather than letting it sit empty (or worse, as a storage space), let’s go over some options for the future of that spare room. Spare bedrooms make for excellent flex spaces, allowing you to make efficient use of the extra space you have. As you’re reading through this list, think about what uses seem best for you and consider how you might make your spare bedroom useful for two or more uses.

  1. Guest RoomA studio in the daytime overlooking San Francisco

    The most obvious use for a spare bedroom is, of course, as a bedroom. While you can put in a bedframe, dresser, and all the trappings of a bedroom, this will greatly reduce the multifunctional potential of the room. Especially if you only rarely host guests at your home, a wall bed is certainly your best option. By hiding away behind a standing cabinet when not in use, wall beds allow you to transform a room both functionally and visually with a single motion.

    Wall bed units come as a stand-alone bed cabinet or as part of a larger bedroom unit, which can include hanging and drawer space for guests, hidden bedside tables, and additional decorative space to help transform your spare bedroom into a full-blown guest room.

  2. Home Office

    Decorated officeEspecially now that working from home is normal for many of us, home offices have become much more important to our daily life. Moving your workspace off the kitchen table and into its own room can do wonders for your productivity and your mindset. By putting your office in its own room, you not only create an area that’s designed for work and therefore easier to use, you also segregate your work life from your home life far more effectively.

    The psychological benefits of compartmentalization cannot be overstated. By keeping your work where you work and your life where you live, your office becomes not just a different space physically, but a different mindset entirely.

    Installing your home office can be as simple as putting in a desk and filing cabinet, or as in-depth and personal as a custom office space. If you’re on a budget or won’t need to use your office much, going simple and inexpensive is your best option. If you’re really looking to transform your spare bedroom or you work from home regularly, a custom office can and will change the way you work and the way you feel.

  3. Study Space

    Grey office with glass deskIf you have a student in your family, a dedicated study space can be a truly transformative place. Like a home office, a study space that is separate from the rest of your home means that getting into study mode is as easy as stepping through the threshold.

    A study space should be different from a home office. Offices require access to resources and information at a moment’s notice, which provides near infinite opportunities for distraction.
    In contrast, a study space should be a place where focus is easy and distractions are rare. Think of your study space as existing within a Faraday cage; technology and in particular the internet and wireless connections should be kept to a minimum or eliminated entirely. It should be the easiest thing in the work to focus on your books and your notes.

  4. Walk-In Closet

    A split closet between a man and womanA walk-in is fundamentally just a room that’s primary purpose is storing and displaying your wardrobe. Any room, including a spare bedroom, can be transformed into a walk-in. While it is possible to make this transformation with DIY solutions, nothing can compare to a custom closet. While a walk-in closet is difficult to turn into a flex space, it’s impossible to deny the life-changing benefits of having a true walk-in closet.

  5. Dressing Room

    Dovetailing with our last item, a dressing room makes an excellent second use for a walk-in closet or as a primary use for your spare bedroom. A dressing room should include a dressing area with mirrors – preferably more than one set at angles to let you see yourself from every angle – as well as a vanity or counter and storage for accessories. A dressing room can be seamlessly integrated with a custom walk-in closet, creating perfect flow and rhythm to your daily routine or dressing up for special occasions; a dressing area with floor-length mirrors where you put your outfits together, a beauty station with make-up, jewelry, and accessories located within easy reach, or any other wonderful combinations of features you can imagine!

  6. Hobby Room

    A hobby space in white melamine with dark countertopsWhether you enjoy music, quilting, or even model trains, having a room dedicated to your hobby is a really wonderful thing. Having your hobby be put first when designing a space is rare, and most hobbyists find themselves making due with what shared spaces they can find. Creating a hobby room flex space, tucked away in your spare bedroom, allows you to express yourself freely and without worrying about daily clean-up or getting in the way of the rest of your life. Guests will also enjoy getting a look into the way you hobby, and if your spare bedroom doubles as a guest room, your hobby can act as decoration and curiosity.

Remember to think about multiple uses for your spare bedroom. By designing your new flex space with it’s uses in mind, you’ll be able to create a room that functions completely while looking great doing it.