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Getting Organized: The Key To Clutter Control – Part II

Taking The Plunge: Part Two

Now comes the dreaded “sort and purge.” The only way to accomplish this is to take everything out of the space and go through it. This process takes a bit of planning, so be sure to set aside adequate time and space. The major obstacle in the purging process is not the work that it takes but the mental and emotional strength to let go of items that you have been hanging onto.

We always have that nagging idea that someday we might need or want that item that we haven’t used in years. It takes discipline to emotionally face why we are hanging onto unused items and learn how to move on and let them go.  Many of these items could be used by someone else, so don’t feel guilty about discarding them. They really don’t have feelings, and someone else might benefit from your unused stash.

Every item you remove from the space needs to be placed into one of the following piles:

  1. Keep
  2. Give to Someone
  3. Donate
  4. Trash
  5. “Not Sure”

Once you have placed them into the appropriate area, take a look at the items that are in the “not sure” pile again and ask these questions:

  • When was the last time I used it?
  • Why should I keep it?
  • When do I think I will use it again?

Don’t hedge. If you really can’t say when you will use an item again, consider getting rid of it. If you still cannot part with some items, then place them in a plastic container. Pick a date six months from that day and mark it on your calendar. In six months, if you have not used the item, again consider getting rid of it. If you are still unsure, pick another date six months out. After the one –year mark, get rid of whatever you have not used; you obviously won’t miss it!

Stay tuned for my final post in this series where I will tackle the subject of “Taking Control” of your clutter! For more tips visit the Space Saving and Organization sections of our blog!

If you are looking to get a jump start on your home organization projects this summer, so you are ready and organized by Fall, contact Closet Factory for a free in home design consultation! A closet will create a design for custom closets, home office, wine room, and even storage solutions for your garage!

Previous Post: Getting Organized: The Key To Clutter Control – Part I

This article was published in the Home Interiors Building Women Summer 2011 edition a publication by The National Association Of Home Builders (NAHB).

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During the consultation you and a designer will discuss goals, desires, and project budget, with the aim of designing an organization system that will:

  • Turn your dream into reality
  • Organize you efficiently
  • Create space for everything
  • Maximize the space
  • Create optimum visibility
  • Preserve personal items
  • Add value to the home
  • Harmonize with your décor